Sunday, May 31, 2009

Arabs Jerusalem Will Be Theirs

Full article By Aaron Klein
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

Obama promises Arabs Jerusalem will be theirs
Official: President said Palestinian state with holy city capital 'in American interest'

JERUSALEM – President Obama and his administration told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during a meeting ast week the U.S. foresees the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, according to a top PA official speaking to WND.

A war was fought and only a few bullets were fired.
The war was not
about land, religion or ideologies, but economies.
We lost and we are
witnessing the transfer of power to the victors.
Nashville hotel boots anti-jihad conference
Keynote video address set by 'Fitna' filmmaker
US Begins Collection of Biometric Information on Non-Citizens Departing Country
By Michael Bowman
30 May 2009
Sonia Sotomayor 'La Raza member'
American Bar Association lists Obama choice as part of group--
Meaning "the Race," La Raza also has connections to groups that advocate the separation of several southwestern states from the rest of America.

Muslim Demographics

Faith without works is dead!!
Faith in God's Grace allows us to see the truth and take appropriate action.
Denial keeps us in a rut and there is no forward motion.
Denial wishes for a change.
Faith causes a change!
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second...

Home: No place for Bible study
County demands pastor spend thousands on 'Major Use' permit to host friends
Obama flies in chef 860 miles... just to make pizza

Time for some deep prayer!!! Wake up watchmen

there is something stirring in the horizon I can feel it.
Obama's G20 plan kisses off Declaration of Independence
New international board to intervene in decisions about U.S. companies
Obama Judge: "No" to Jesus, "Yes" to Allah

All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.
Edmund Burke

United Nations' threat: No more parental rights
Expert: Pact would ban spankings, homeschooling if children object

Friday, May 8, 2009

ATF Raid on Homosassa VFW Lodge 8189

This is the email that was sent to us and the actions that we have taken!

We handed this letter to our Congressman and also sent it to the Governor!!

This is the original email, no corrections have been made!!

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 9:20 AM
Subject: US Veterans attacked by - Americans?

Sharkhunters HOT MAIL
Here in our little community, the local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) group was enjoying their meeting recently when the door suddenly flew open and in stormed the goons from the Florida ABT (Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco). They claimed that illegal gambling was taking place. The VFW, like just about every other civic organization, club, association etc. has a 50/50 at their meetings wherein people buy a ticket (usually cost one dollar) and at the end of the meeting, one ticket is drawn and that winner gets 50% of the total money while the organization gets the other half. It is a great way that these organizations raise money to help their community. The goons from the ABT claimed they were breaking the law - and they took all the money!
When the Commander of the VFW demanded to know what was going, it is reported that the goon in charge waved handcuffs at the Commander and "threatened him with a ride"..............meaning to jail. How utterly shameful! These are American combat veterans and the ABT goons treated them like common criminals.
The same good squad also raided the local Moose and Eagles meetings. These are also decent, well respected civic organizations that do great things for their communities everywhere; not the Capone South Side Gang of old Chicago.
It is unlikely that Florida Governor Charlie Christ knew about these terror raids before they took place, but he sure does now. I have sent a letter and email to Governor Christ demanding that:
1) The money the ABT goons seized from these organizations be returned;
2) The goon in charge must issue an apology to the Commander of the VFW for his handcuff threats;
3) That Governor Christ rein in these cowboys; stop them from harassing decent people.
Now we need YOU to get involved. Okay, this is a little community on Florida's west coast - but it is more than this little community, it is more than Florida or even the United States. Anyone with half a shred of decency MUST be outraged at this craziness. I want you to send an email to Governor Christ and let him know that you, no matter where you live anywhere in the world, that decent civic organizations should not be invaded by the good squad in a manner that harkens to the George Orwell book "1984" in which citizens have no rights at all. BE RESPECTFUL in your email, but let Governor Christ how you feel. If you do not want to write anything at all - just forward this on to the Governor. His email address is above - just forward this message. He will understand.
It is easy to think that it is not YOUR problem. Okay, maybe not - but what is wrong is just plain wrong and anyone who sits quietly and does nothing is not much of a person at all. In advance, thanks for your participation.
Harry Cooper
Sharkhunters International
Official Worldwide Publication of U-Boat History

Tampa Tea Party

Thank you Partners!

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